Hey everyone,
Hope you are having a busy year! We are constantly working and improving to improve our platform and we have updated a load of new features, let’s jump straight in!
New – Admin & Client Dashboards
We have updated the Admin and Client Dashboard, reducing and removing unnecessary clutter and making the overall design a lot sleeker. There were some responsive issues with certain devices and we have tidied up these issues.
The client dashboard is a lot easier for your clients to navigate and sending requests.
New – Extra Admins
With Team and Agency versions, you can now add extra Admins who can create clients and assign Requests, Projects and Tasks to Managers. To add a new Admin, go to Managers and create a new Manager, then select Admin to Yes
New – Bundle Restrictions
Bundles are a great way for you wrap up a bunch of services for a fixed price but with some Bundles, you will want to have some restrictions. We have introduced Restrictions to Bundle Plans.
With Restrictions, you can now assign hours to a Bundle which will give you greater control over your client’s workflow and also let your client know how much time they have available. Restrictions are optional and you don’t have to enable them for every Bundle, if disabled, your client has no limitations.
New – Bundle Information Capture Forms
The new Bundle Forms allow you to capture unlimited client information before purchasing. You can create unlimited forms and assign them to a single or all Bundles. The information you capture can be: Domain Name, Type of Work Required, Login details etc or maybe just a message.
The information collected will appear to you as the first client request in your dashboard where you can save and revert to the client information anytime.
New – Bundle Annual Discount
We have added in a cool feature which allows you to discount by % if your client signs up to an annual subscription.
New – Bundle Customisations
We have added in a new editor for your to style Bundle offerings including adding in images.
New – Rollover Hours
Another new feature of Bundles is the option to Rollover Hours only once and not consecutively
For example: Bundle A has 10 Hours and your client has only used 5 hours in Month 1, the remaining hours will be rolled over to the following month giving them 15 hours in Month 2. If your client only uses 4 hours in Month 2. In Month 3, the hours revert back to 10.
Basically, Your client has one opportunity to use the rollover hours which carry to the following month, not the 3rd Month if unused.
New – Bundle Upgrade Options
When a Client purchases a Bundle with Restrictions active – what happens if they run out of time? with Upgrade Options, you can set an hourly rate for the Bundle and your Client can easily purchase additional time if they run out.
Tags: Client Retainer, Product Updates, retainer
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